Food Art for Kids: Approaches to Making your Child Friendly with Fruit and Vegetables

Published by Friday, July 29, 2011 Permalink 0
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by Jonell Galloway

Getting your kids to participate in the kitchen is often the hardest task of all, but if you want them to learn that all food doesn’t come out of packages and that food can even be fun, can be like playing or art class, they are much likelier to head for the kitchen. If they have fun, they’ll want to come back for more, and show off their art work to others.

Annabel Karmel on Parenting makes lots of healthy finger foods which make it seem so fun to eat, even though it’s actually a carrot stick or a pea that’s been used for decorating.

Summertime also lends itself to Food Play. Put a basket of multi-colored fruit on the table, and kids can be let wild to build sculptures, make houses, all in the name of edible fun. Or give your kids a chance to do the decorations for a lunch party by letting them create edible fruit bouquets.

First Palette gives loads of ideas for fun food crafts.

Free Kids Crafts also includes lots of fun food projects for children, but you might pick and choose as to which ones are healthier.


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