Switzerland: Swiss Food: Rhubarb Cream Recipe

Published by Monday, May 27, 2013 Permalink 0
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by Jonell Galloway

Cherry-Rhubarb Fool

When you talk about rhubarb cream in Switzerland, you mean rhubarb cream, not pudding or custard. This naughty dessert is one of the easiest rhubarb desserts around, and is so thoroughly Swiss.

Recipe for Rhubarb Cream


Photo courtesy of Robin Stewart


1 lb. / 500 g rhubarb
3/4 cup / 200 g cane sugar
 2 egg yolks
 Cinnamon or lemon juice, according to which taste you prefer
3/4 cup / 0.2 l whipping cream


  1. Scrape or cut off any hard outer surface of rhubarb.
  2. Dice rhubarb and put into saucepan. Add sugar. Cover with water. Cook until tender but firm, 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. While rhubarb is cooking, beat the yolks until smooth.
  4. Run cooked rhubarb through food processor or chinois to purée.
  5. Add hot rhubarb purée to beaten egg yolks. Beat until thoroughly blended and eggs start to cool.
  6. Mix in cinnamon or lemon juice. Set aside to cool.
  7. Beat whipping cream. When it starts to form hard peaks, fold in cooled rhubarb and egg mixture.
  8. Cool in refrigerator, either in individual serving dishes or in a large bowl.
  9. Serve cool.


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