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Founded by Jonell Galloway in 2009, The Rambling Epicure started out as a Geneva-based international food chronicle, the first online journal to follow global food trends and news. It gathered the voices of notable food writers and artists from around the world to treat various interests, including a mindful, responsible approach to real food shopping, cooking, and eating, as well as food politics, history, art, literature and philosophy.

Expanding on that work, in May of 2014, The Rambling Epicure joined forces with the Cambridge-based writer and teacher Elatia Harris, chef/owner of Lucy’s Mom’s Cuisine. Jonell and Elatia re-visioned The Rambling Epicure as a hub for food writing in all its forms, with offerings to writers at every level. If you are a professional writer, a student, or a food writer-in-waiting, join our community for the pleasure of it and for our menu of affordable and innovative services to writers.

Check out our food writing discussion board in our Facebook group, The Rambling Epicure, Mastering the Art of Food Writing.

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