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Elatia Harris, Editor

Elatia Harris is the executive chef and owner of Lucy’s Mom Cuisine, a Cambridge-based personal chef service for gastronomically inclined people with medically restricted diets. As well, she writes for online journals specializing in culture, philosophy, science and food. Years of culinary travel and interviewing stellar chefs prepared her well for both jobs.

Before turning to professional cooking, Elatia created an advisory and editing service for an international clientele of visual and literary artists.

Based on what she learned as a painter exhibiting throughout the United States and Europe, she designed a course in career building, business development, and strategic communications for artists in all media, and taught it at the Massachusetts College of Art for many years.

To add to the conversation about sustainable foodways, Elatia founded Tessa’s Table 2050, a Facebook-based group with local operations. Join her there, and connect with her on LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter. Look for her articles about food and many other things on 3 Quarks Daily, In Search of Taste, and The Rambling Epicure.

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