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How to Use a Food Writing Prompt

Schedule a minute or two with a prompt, whenever you feel stuck. Whether you sense the deep need of a new idea, or you want to feel more centered by clearing space around you before you write, using a prompt is the very opposite of procrastinating.

We have gathered a selection of prompts for your pleasure and productivity – some with stories of their own, some with an implicit demand that you write the story, some for clearing your mind, others for the experience of sheer marveling. We’ll keep adding to it, too.

To build your own collection of prompts, look around you differently — right now! Are there photos, sea shells, paperweights, bottles of perfume, spiritual symbols, or even baseball cards that are special to you? Maybe you walk by them every day, and they’ve been in the same place long enough to be invisible to you unless you look for them. Gather a few of these things onto a little tray. Handle them. Sniff them. If you feel a little less bogged down now, and sense a re-set, then you have been prompted.

That’s how it works. It’s tiny, but powerful.


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