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Are you new here? Welcome. If you haven’t come over in a while, then welcome back.

There have been some changes made, and we will briefly highlight them. You will find what you came for, fast.

The Rambling Epicure has shifted its focus from featuring food writers to forming a community for food writers. You’ll still find the calibre of writing we’ve been identified with since 2009, but, if you write and read about food, then you’ll find more here than ever before.

Starting in the summer of 2014, we —  Jonell Galloway and Elatia Harris — envisioned a resource-rich hub, unlike any other site on the Internet, for food writers at all levels. Where inspiration was in ample free supply. Where fast, palatable units of education and topnotch services to writers were custom designed and delivered at truly attractive prices. Where virtual and actual events for writers, including one free event every month, opened the door to new connections and skills.

Want to be friends? Say hi, and write a little intro. To get a free estimate for a service you have in mind, attach a sample of your work to an email. We’ll turn it around fast. Want some good reading? Browse our archives. Want to publish on our platform, or enter our competition for beginning food writers? We’ll showcase you beautifully. Want to teach here? Tell us more. If you need to go deeper, as we have done, into the changing world of ebooks, then come with us on the ride.

And, for a good time in good company, join our food writing forum on Facebook at The Rambling Epicure, Mastering the Art of Food Writing. You’ll make new writing friends there, and pick up a wealth of hot tips.

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