Program for Beginning Writers
A. Start where you are (Beginning Writer)
Dear Diary
Writing about the things you wouldn’t talk about if someone asked you casually: How was your trip? How was the big dinner?
Dear Friend
In the world as a writer
Writing a letter to a dear, or even an imaginary, friend
Dear Reader
Building a repertoire of work for readers who don’t know you yet
How to engage them
Craft of Writing Checkpoints
Making sure the nuts and bolts are in place – this is grammar, spelling, word count, formatting, proper computer use, and other issues that ignoring will deal you out.
B. Becoming More Vivid and Unmistakable as a Writer (Next after completing Beginning Writer, or Jump in here for people who skip beginning writer)
Sensuality Upgrade
Good Observer Upgrade
Story-telling and suspense building
Building your brand as a writer, building a body of work (your own blog)
Classes one-on-one or very small group
Critique, edit, get a finished product, develop a plan