Interestingly, when the Oreo was first introduced by Nabisco in 1912, it used a much more organic wreath for its emboss, later augmented with two pairs of turtledoves in a 1924 redesign.
To follow the evolution of the Oreo cookie’s embossing, click here.
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- Food Art: Giant Oreo cake, food photography by SandeeA
October 7, 2011
J’ai découvert ces biscuits lors d’un séjour aux USA. Ce qui m’a le plus intrigué, c’est leur couleur. Presque noire. Ce qui n’est pas du tout courant en Europe.
Maintenant, on en trouve également en Suisse, à la Coop ainsi qu’à la Migros sous un autre nom.
Bonne soirée
October 10, 2011
Tu as vu notre article sur l’histoire de l’empreinte sur les Oreos ?
November 9, 2011
Thanks to Oreo I’ve discovered your site, is gorgeous!
I also written article about oreo history and I’ve read that emblem is somehow connected with Maltan Cross and Christianity.
Here is my post (it is in Polish, but google translator attached). Maybe you will find it interesting:
November 9, 2011
How interesting! We should translate it into English and post it on The Rambling Epicure!
Thank you for liking our site. We work hard to publish good information.
Be well.