Food Art: In the Raw, a food photography exhibit by Sihi

Published by Thursday, December 20, 2012 Permalink 0
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Interview with Sihi of food blog


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I am dreamer. I love food.  I love photography. I love food photography.

I am a complete amateur when it comes to food and photography. I am learning! And each day has gone by learning something new, thus far.

My entry into the world of food blogging was when I started documenting recipes at my pint-sized food blog. After blogging on and off for about two and half years, I took a break to enjoy time being a new mom.

Like any first time parent, I could not stop admiring this angel. Our world completely changed – for the better. My days were never short of clicking a million pictures of our precious baby, each waking moment. I realized I had just found a new interest called photography. I made the switch from the cell phone camera and a point and shoot to an entry-level DSLR (a gift from my wonderful soul mate – my husband) and the frequency of the so-called ‘photo shoots’ of our little girl, increased rapidly.

Since then, the DSLR has been a constant companion – be it to the park, a vacation or just a stroll. I have lost count of the clicks, and continue to experiment quite a bit each week. Yet, there is so much more to learn each time I pick up the camera. I have been fortunate to have a few friends that share my interest in photography and I am thankful to have had different insights through those interactions.

Over the months when I began understanding more about my camera and photography in general, I started to appreciate a specific field of photography more than the others. The world of food photography. I wasn’t quite sure where to begin, so I turned to my kitchen for props, ideas and styles of cooking. I tried out simple recipes – things I could put together in my tiny brain – as simple experiments to learn food photography. At times shooting food in raw has also been a good exercise, when the recipe I attempted never turned out quite like what I had expected it would.

That said, not knowing how to head toward a constructive direction has been quite challenging and frustrating.

Learning photography by yourself is helpful as you can set things at a comfortable pace without any compulsions of meeting deadlines or taking a test or turning in assignments. But, on the down side, the progress is extremely slow, more so when your mind assigns it lower down on the list of priorities for the day as a working mom. Further, it’s not very interactive and is more like a one-way street.  It’s all you; there’s no feedback or criticism.

To me it was just too dull.

A friend suggested the project 365 as an option. I tried it, but somehow, I knew there was something more I needed to do to learn more on food photography. That’s when the husband suggested that resurrecting the food blog from slumber might just help me explore more and learn better the aspects I was trying to understand. I slept on the thought for days – until such time I realized that what he said actually made more sense. I realized I had to know the food to understand food photography.

That’s how my journey  to explore food as a whole with Wandering Ladle began end of February 2012.

The blog  has given me the opportunity to work on assignments that have helped keep tabs on my progress and stay honest in my efforts.

Learning about food has also helped us change our outlook towards food and make better, wiser and healthier choices. Overall, as a family we have become more conscious of what we eat and where it comes from.

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1 Comment
  • Rob Stewart
    January 10, 2013

    Love the light in these simple compositions.
