Food Poetry: Ancient Mexican Wisdom on Land, Plants and Self Development

Published by Monday, April 1, 2013 Permalink 0
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Poem in English and Spanish

by Adriana Pérez de Legaspi

Care for things of the earth; cut some firewood, cultivate the earth, plant prickly pears, plant yucas.
You will have to drink, eat, get dressed.
Thereafter you will be standing, you will be your true self, you will walk on your own two feet.
Thereafter you will be well spoken of, you will be praised.
Thereafter you will be known.

Ten cuidado de las cosas de la tierra; haz algo corta leña, labra la tierra, planta nopales, planta magueyes.
Tendrás que beber, que comer, que vestir.
Con eso estarás en pie, serás verdadero, con eso andarás.
Con eso se hablará de ti, se te alabará.
Con eso te darás a conocer.



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  • Adriana Pérez de Legaspi
    April 2, 2013

    I really have to say, that this wonderful words are from the ahuehetollis or old man wisdom on the Mexica (Aztec) tradition of educating the youngs in the rites of passage. Thanks a lot anyway for sharing with all your readers around the world.
    Nowadays we still want to recapture that old wisdom in the Pre Columbian Gastrotour in Malinalco sharing the integral vision of the Mesoamerican man.

    • Jonell Galloway
      April 2, 2013

      Thanks for sharing, Adriana. I’d certainly love to do that tour. Perhaps we should write it up here on The Rambling Epicure so that the world knows about it.
