Jonell Galloway: Mindful Eating Coaching

Published by Monday, August 1, 2011 Permalink 0
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by Jonell Galloway

I’m sure many of you have read my articles about Mindful Eating. I like to keep the term in capital letters, to remind me how important it is in all our lives.

I now offer Mindful Eating coaching for those who have problem relationships with food and eating in general, helping them “reconstruct” their lifestyle and attitude to food and eating. This can be done in person, in Switzerland or France, or online, and on an individual or group basis.

For those who live other places on the globe, I offer online “teleconference” coaching for weight loss and eating problems on an individual basis. This consists of a customized program that lasts anywhere from 1 to 6 months, depending on the case, with a consultation at least once a week. This does not consist of nutritional advice per se and I am not a nutritionist; I am a therapist and counselor. It consists of an analysis of your lifestyle and relationship to food and eating, with referrals to medical professionals or physical education specialists when need be, but most of all of a work that you and I will do hand in hand. I will be your guide.

Each case is different, but starts with a thorough analysis of who you are and want to be, your lifestyle and how that might interfere with your eating habits and relationships with food, followed by an analysis and a plan, which we produce together, to lay out a plan for how to concretely work toward changing the things in your lifestyle that work against your weight goals and/or health.

I’m in the process of setting up Mindful Eating workshops and seminars for 2011-12 in Europe. For more information about Mindful Eating or if you’d like to set up a workshop or individual coaching, see my articles on this site, including an interview with Geneva organic farmer David John Kong-Hug.

If you’re interested in organizing or participating in a workshop, or following a Mindful Eating weight loss program, please contact me by clicking on the blue Contact Us button at the top right of our home page.

For more information about my past work and experience, click here.

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