Simon Says: Daily Food Quote, October 27, 2011

Published by Thursday, October 27, 2011 Permalink 0
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by Simón de Swaan

I cannot but bless the memory of Julius Caesar, for the great esteem he expressed for fat men and his aversion to lean ones.–David Hume, 1751

David Hume was a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist, known especially for his philosophical empiricism and skepticism. He is regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment, and last of the British Empiricists.

Hume’s major philosophical works — A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-1740), Enquiries concerning Human Understanding (1748) and An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals (1751), as well as the posthumously published Dialogues concerning Natural Religion (1779) — remain widely and deeply influential.


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