The Rambling Epicure History

Published by Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Permalink 0
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The Rambling Epicure is a daily international food chronicle, and the first online journal to follow global food trends and news. It was founded by Jonell Galloway (LINK to TRE About) in 2009.

Based in Switzerland, The Rambling Epicure innovated by joining the voices of food writers and artists from around the world to promote a mindful, responsible approach to real food shopping, cooking, and eating. Then as now, big interests around here are food politics, sustainability, safety, history, and the art, literature and philosophies that accompany accompany those concerns.

In the past, we sponsored this project through freelance writing; editing and publishing; custom-tailored culinary tours, cooking classes, and tasting events; recipe development and testing; book reviews and sales of recommended books and products, and seminars and workshops on the various subjects we covered. Thank you for supporting us, and please browse our archives (LINK to Archives).

In May, 2014, the writer and educator Elatia Harris ( LINK to TRE About), chef/owner of Lucy’s Mom’s Cuisine in Cambridge, Mass., joined forces with The Rambling Epicure. Re-launching in the summer of 2014, our new focus is supporting food writing in all its forms. We believe that with the rapid expansion what food writing means, there’s never been a better or more interesting time to commit to this work — as a professional, a student, or an avocational writer or blogger. Welcome to our community. Our great intention is that you find what you need to flourish here.

Join our food writing discussion board in our Facebook group, The Rambling Epicure, Mastering the Art of Food Writing.


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