Prepare your questions for the Friday, April 20th Twitter chat @RamblingEpicure, 2 p.m. EST / 8 p.m. Paris time, hashtag #futurefoodwriting. Click here to find your time zone.
This discussion will be in response to Amanda Hesser’s “Advice for Future Food Writers” published on Food 52 on April 10, 2012.
The panelists are:
- Monica Bhide, former The New York Times food editor and writer, and co-founder of Food 52 @AmandaHesser
- The Guardian, former food editor and writer at the Los Angeles Times, deeply involved in the food publishing world @ZesterDaily
- Bill Daley, food feature writer at Chicago Tribune @BillDaley
- Dianne Jacob, food writing coach @diannej
- Monica Bhide, cookbook writer @mbhide
- Gloria Nicol, food writer for The Guardian @thelaundry
- Wilson Dizard III, former Newsweek and McGraw Hill, author of “Quelling Quitchen Qualamities” column on The Rambling Epicure, @wdizard
- John Birdsall, Senior Editor of @CHOW, @John_Birdsall, who wrote the initial direct rebuttal to Amanda’s article, “What Amanda Hesser Got Wrong.”
You can follow all the details on The Rambling Epicure site, including reading material to help you prepare your questions.
There is also a reading list of other rebuttals and responses on The Rambling Epicure Facebook page, all listed as comments to the original announcement, so you’ll have to scroll down the page.
We will regularly be posting more reference reading on the subject, so stay tuned.
Related articles
- Twitter Chat @RamblingEpicure Friday, April 20, on Amanda Hesser’s “Advice for Future Food Writers”
- Reference Reading for Friday’s Twitter Chat #futurefoodwriting @RamblingEpicure
- Bill Daley: More reference reading for #futurefoodwriting Twitter chat on Friday, May 20, @RamblingEpicure
- One Reader’s Response: Melissa Bedinger on the Future of Food Writing
- Wilson Dizard III: More reading for Friday, April 20, Twitter chat @Ramblingepicure #futurefoodwriting