Weight Loss Blog Log

Published by Friday, November 12, 2010 Permalink 0
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by Jonell Galloway

Bad Foods that Are Good for Weight Loss gives common sense, practical advice about “bad” foods that can actually be good for weight loss if eaten in moderation and in the right way.

Fat Man Unleashed is a community weight loss blog where people who are seriously trying to lose weight do a weekly weigh-in and share interesting information they have found to be helpful. The “Inner Warriorness” tab offers particularly good information about how to keep up your motivation, but the site covers the full range of problems and advice we all need to know about weight loss and weight control in general, including diet, physical activity and exercise, loss of motivation, and lifestyle.

If you have the bad habit of stopping by fast-food restaurants on the way to work, Fast-Food Breakfast Picture Slideshow: Photos of the Best and Worst gives good advice about which foods are the least bad.

If you tend to have bad eating habits when you are under a lot of stress , Energy Every Day: Tips to Fight Fatigue, Bloat, and Stress gives an overview of things not to eat, as well as other active, positive things to do when you get an urge to eat some junk food.

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