Food Poetry: 张错: 茶的情诗 / Liebeslyrik des Tees

Published by Thursday, June 2, 2011 Permalink 0

von Dominic Cheung

Deutsche Version von Peter Beicken / Translated from Chinese into English by Karl Zhang

[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]张错: 茶的情诗[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Liebeslyrik des Tees[/wpcol_1half_end]


[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]如果我是开水[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Wär ich kochendes Wasser[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]你是茶叶[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]und Du Teeblätter,[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]那么你的香郁[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]dann hing dein ganzes Aroma ab[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]必须倚赖我的无味[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]von meinem Mangel an Geschmack.[/wpcol_1half_end]


[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]让你的干枯柔柔的 [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Dass Dein Schrumpeln[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]在我里面展开,舒散;[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]sich in mir löste und öffnete;[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]让我的浸润[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]lass mein Eindringen[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]舒展你的容颜。[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Deine Falten im Gesicht glätten.[/wpcol_1half_end]


[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]我们必须热,甚至沸[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Wir müssten heiß, gar siedend sein,[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]彼此才能相溶。[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]um uns ineinander aufzulösen.[/wpcol_1half_end]


[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]我们必须隐藏[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Wir müssten uns verbergen[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]在水里相觑,相缠[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Gesicht an Gesicht unter Wasser, als Dreh und Gewinde[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]一盏茶功夫[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]in einem Teemoment,[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]我俩才决定成一种颜色。[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]bevor wir beschließen, welche Farbe wir annehmen.[/wpcol_1half_end]


[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]无论你怎样浮沉[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Wie lang wir auch gleiten und wirbeln,[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]把持不定[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]unbeständig;[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]你终将缓缓的 [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]schließlich würdest du[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””](噢,轻轻的)[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””](o, sanft)[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]落下,攒聚 [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]niedersinken,[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]在我最深处。[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Dich in meinen Tiefen zu versammeln.[/wpcol_1half_end]


[wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]那时候[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]In dem Augenblick[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]你最苦的一滴泪[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]würde deine bittereste Träne[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]将是我最甘美的[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]mein süßester[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” style=””]一口茶。[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” style=””]Mundvoll Tee werden.[/wpcol_1half_end]


Peter Beicken is a poet whose award-winning book of poems and prose about his childhood in Germany Kindheit in W. appeared in 1983 and was reissued in 2009. An editor of journals (literatur-express, 1988-1989; TRANS-LIT, the Journal of the Society for Contemporary American Literature in German, 1998-2002), he is a regular contributor to the sequel journal, TRANS-LIT2. As Professor of German Language, Literature and Film at University of Maryland, College Park, in the U.S. he has published widely on Walter Benjamin, Ingeborg Bachmann, Franz Kafka, Anna Seghers and Film Studies. Since 2010, Beicken has served as consultant for Time Shadows, Time Shadows, A Goethe Institut Poetry Collaboration.

Poem contributed by our poetry editor, Christina Daub.

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Simon Says: Daily Food Quote, June 2, 2011

Published by Thursday, June 2, 2011 Permalink 0

by Simón de Swaan

It’s probably illegal to make soups, stews and casseroles without plenty of onions.–Maggie Waldron, American cookbook author and editor

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News flash: Russia bans raw vegetables from EU

Published by Thursday, June 2, 2011 Permalink 0

by Jonell Galloway

Reuters has just reported that Russia has banned raw vegetables from the E.U. in relation to the E. coli outbreak which seemingly started in Germany which has killed 17 people and made more than 1,500 others ill in 8 European countries. They had already banned imports of vegetables from Germany and Spain after German health authorities blamed Spanish cucumbers for the outbreak.

Spain is preparing the way for legal action over this accusation, claiming compensation for the loss of 200 millions euros (US$287 million) in a matter of a week, putting tens of thousands of people out of work and tainting the image of Spanish produce.

The Russian consumer protection agency Rospotrebnadzor, under pressure to adopt E.U. sanitary legislation, cites this case as demonstrating that the E.U. system is not efficient.

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I’m Spanish, and I DO give a darn about Spanish cucumbers!

Published by Thursday, June 2, 2011 Permalink 0

by SandeeA

Cucumber crisis and E. coli outbreak in Spain? The Spanish defense

The German health authorities finally recognized their error, albeit a week too late. After confirming the results of two out of the four laboratory tests carried out, it was announced that the variant of the Escherichia coli bacteria, commonly known as E. coli, responsible for the deaths in Germany is not the same as the one found in the Spanish cucumbers originally blamed.

What? The Spanish cucumbers are “no longer” the cause of the infection? After all the jokes that went around about them on Twitter, Facebook, and the like. And that’s not even the end of the story: the same social networks ended up condemning the entire agricultural production of a country, i.e. Spain.

But in a country like Spain, in the midst of a dire economic crisis, declaring its cucumbers and then its produce contaminated is no laughing matter, especially when such allegations are far from being proven. Almost all European countries closed the door on Spanish produce. The E.U. ordered that all imports of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce coming from Spain be inspected.

How is the Spanish produce industry going to recover these losses? Will it ever be compensated? After a week of being blamed for several deaths due to our cucumbers, boldly proclaimed on the front pages of newspapers around the world, it will be difficult. There is no way to repair the damage, not even the damage done by social networks, where “news” spreads as quickly as unfounded rumors.

The E.U. is now analyzing how to compensate Spanish fruit and vegetable producers for the economic losses caused by this infectious outbreak the Germans attributed to a batch of Spanish cucumbers. The worry is that there are times that nothing can compensate for a loss.

The sad thing is that the innocent Spanish cucumber was never given a chance. German officials hastily proclaimed its guilt before even giving it a fair trial.

Related articles:

“Los pepinos españoles no son los causantes de la epidemia de E.Coli en Alemania”

“La crisis del pepino”

“ Los agricultores españoles y holandeses sufren el colapso de sus exportaciones”

“La crisis del pepino cuesta a España 200 millones de euros a la semana”

“Son ya 14 los fallecidos por la crisis E.coli en Alemania”

“El gobierno afirma que no hay pruebas de que la contaminación de pepinos se haya producido en España”

“La crisis del pepino provoca pérdidas cuantiosísimas a la agricultura española”

“Bruselas recuerda que España puede pedir ayuda por el bloqueo de los pepinos”

“Los 27 barajan una reunión extraordinaria en junio sobre la crisis de los pepinos”

“Germany admits Spanish cucumbers are not to blame”

“Spain says Germany must pay for cucumber damage”

“E. coli cucumber scare”

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Me importa el pepino

Published by Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Permalink 0

by SandeeA

Una semana después, las autoridades sanitarias alemanas han rectificado. Tras comprobar los resultados de dos análisis (de los cuatro) que se van a realizar, se demuestra que la variante de la bacteria Escherichia coli responsable de las muertes en Alemania no es la misma que la que se encontró en los pepinos inculpados. Vaya hombre, ahora resulta que los pepinos españoles no van a ser los culpables de la infección. Con lo bien que lo estábamos pasando haciendo chistes sobre pepinos españoles en Twitter, Facebook, y demás… sí, esas redes sociales que lo mismo acaban con gobiernos que con las exportaciones hortofrutícolas de un país.

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Simon Says: Daily Food Quote, June 1, 2011

Published by Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Permalink 0

by Simón de Swaan

The hot biscuit runs a poor second to cornbread, but is considered of higher social caste. We abrogate and deprecate cornbread when we have guests, but we should consider ourselves deficient in hospitality if we served a company meal without hot biscuits.–Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Cross Creek (1942)

Visitors to Florida can see where Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings worked on her farm Cross Creek as well as where she wrote her novel The Yearling, for which she earned a Pulitzer Prize in 1939. She was also the author of Cross Creek Cookery.

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Food Art: White Asparagus Mousse Tapa, by food photographer Steve Homer

Published by Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Permalink 0

Our ongoing series of tapas photos from our latest food artist discovery: food photographer Steve Homer of Sabor de Almería in the southeast of Spain.

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New International Food & Drinks Festival Ear-marked For Mojacar, Spain!

Published by Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Permalink 0

Sabor de Almeria, the brand behind a number of recent food initiatives aimed at attracting tourism to Almería Province, is to attempt its most ambitious project yet. They have today announced their intentions to launch a new and exciting International Food & Drinks Festival, to be held in Mojacar during May and June 2012. The festival is to be named Sabor de Almeria – Festival Internacional de la Alimentación y Bebidas.

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