Some sensible person once remarked that you spend the whole of your life in your bed or in your shoes. Having done the best you can buy shoes and bed, devote all the time and resources at your disposal to the building up a fine kitchen. It will be, as it should be, the most comforting and comfortable room in the house.–Elizabeth David, Slow Food, 1951
here was a British cookbook writer who, on her return from “exile” in Egypt after WW2, decided that action had to be taken with regard to the quality of food in Britain. She was outright hostile to second-rate cooking and the use of frozen, canned and out-of-season ingredients, and is, in many people’s mind, a precursor of the concept of Slow Food. In any case, she was a primary mover in bringing true traditional home cooking using quality ingredients back into the mainstream in Britain.
All her books are listed here, and most are still available at Book Depository or other online independent booksellers.
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